PageRank Calculator

The Page Rank Calculator module helps you to find out how the internal linking of your website will effect the PageRank distribution.

Thus, you will receive important information about the question if you give most PageRank to your important documents by internal linking or if you "waste" it on unimportant ones.

For calculating the program will use a PageRank of 1 as default. After analyzing your linking you will be able to see what the new PageRank could be based on the fictional starting PageRank 1.

Note: This module analyzes the internal linking and the resulting distribution of the PageRank given by Google, but it does not analyze the external linking or the actual PageRank.

At Scan Settings you can define a default starting page (as for example index.htm), the maximum number of sites and certain URLs and folders which you would like to skip.

To start the calculation, enter your domain name at Start URL and click Start Scan.

Depending on how extensive your website is, the analysis may take some time.

Afterwards, you will be shown all important information in tables.

The upper table will after a successful analysis show all documents of your website.

Click a row in the upper table to be able to see in the other two tables below which documents are linked and where links come from.

Tip: You should aim at getting the highest PageRank especially for all those important documents which you have optimized for certain keywords and with which you would like to achieve a good ranking.